The top new RHEL 7 features, as I see them, are:
XFS is the default file system: This enables you to scale file-systems up to 500 terabytes.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) support: With this you'll be able to have cross-realm trust Windows and RHEL domains. This is ideal if you have users working with heterogeneous operating system-based datacenters or server farms.
The adoption of systemd: This is the replacement for init, the old Unix way of starting processes and services on a system and initializing resources. After years of debate, it's been adopted by Red Hat, SuSE, Debian, and Ubuntu to become the new default way to start Linux systems. It also incorporates performance profiles and tuning and instrumentation for optimized performance and easy scalability.
The adoption of OpenLMI. This is a standard remote application programming interface (API). Red Hat has used this to provide unified management tools and a management framework to streamline administration and system configuration.
The adoption of Performance Co-Pilot, a set of real-time frameworks and services for recording and monitoring system performance. This lets both system administrators and other sub-systems, such as systemd, keep a close eye on what's actually happening in a RHEL 7 server instance as it happens.
Put it all together, and RHEL 7 looks very impressive indeed for corporate Linux users. I'm not the only one who thinks so.